The mother tongue is made by the language of mother, if you born in a Arabic country your tongue will Arabic. It seems that if we can apply the e-learning during the foundation age of a men or women, they will be self sufficient from their early age.
This article presents policy options for improving the effectiveness and availability of schools in developing countries. Improving educational effectiveness is defined as increasing the number of primary schools whose students master the core knowledge and skills of the curriculum.
Although poor-quality education exists at all levels, improvement is urged at the primary level, where children develop their basic attitudes and approaches to learning. Improving the quality of education for students in primary schools is a prerequisite for developing the human resource base required to meet the changing technology demands of the 21st century.
A brief history of primary education in developing countries is presented. The most promising avenues for improving learning achievement are then reviewed, taking into account both cost and effectiveness. Issues looked at include improving the curriculum, providing learning materials, time for learning and effective teaching. Improving the preparation and motivation of teachers is considered with reference to their general academic background, pedagogical skill development and motivation. Means of strengthening institutional capabilities are evaluated with regard to constraints on managerial and institutional effectiveness, and strategies for addressing weaknesses in these spheres.
Disparities in schooling and strategies to promote equitable access are assessed as part of an evaluation of improving equitable access to primary education. Approaches to strengthening the resource base for education are then discussed. In the context of international aid to education, attention is given to patterns of giving to primary education; why donors have neglected primary education; and new priorities for donor support. But the potential success will achieve through the smooth implementation of e learning in this primary sector.
Also digital Pedagogy is a new way of working and learning with ICT to facilitate quality learning experiences for 21st Century learners. Digital Pedagogy moves the focus from ICT tools and skills, to a way of working in the digital world.
Written by: Rafiqul Islam
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