Just a few days at home with the natural thing is to get rid of acne.

Do you really want to know how to get rid of pimples overnight fast ? 

You have probably tried several acne treatments and recommendation from friends without much success. Will I ever be able to get rid of all these ugly spots on my face .There is hope for you.so read on to discover how to get read of your pimples fast.

Apply lemon juice on your face with the help of a cotton ball. The citric acid will open up the pores, and dry the excess oil.

Dip a cotton ball in some rosewater and apply to the face.

Do not rinse it off. Application of rosewater on a daily basis will help remove whiteheads. You can also add a few drops of rosewater to any mask for better results.
You can purchase sandalwood powder from the nearby herbal shop. Mix sandalwood powder with rosewater to make a paste. Apply this mixture on your face, and wash off when it dries.
Empty any used tea bag and rub it on the area where you see whiteheads. Do this at least two times in a weak.

For details click here
Use a clean, sterile cotton tipped application and dab natural honey straightforwardly onto the skin flaws, abandoning it on for no less than 30 minutes prior to washing with warm water. 
Keep your face clean.
Wash it 5-6 times in a day.
Drink plenty of water.
Eat a healthy diet that includes fresh green vegetables and fruits, especially those rich in vitamin E and A. Wash your hair everyday if you have dandruff.
Change your pillow cover once in a weak. Always keep your skin moisturized.

Do not pop the whiteheads with your hands; else, it may develop into a pimple.
Avoid oily and spicy food, carbonated drinks, chocolates and coffee.
Refrain from excessive exposure to the sun.                                        
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